ATAIX brings the most exciting crypto currencies to you. Here is the list of all currencies and their information on our platform.
Currency | Last Price (USDT) | 24h Change | 24h volume (USDT) | Precision | Deposit status | Withdraw status | Status |
USDT | 520.99 (KZT) | -0.95 % | 239,607,713.7853 (KZT) | 2 | Active | Active | Live |
TRX | 0.2555 | -0.70 % | 70,844.340645 | 4 | Active | Active | Live |
ETH | 3,376.69 | -2.84 % | 100,402.328248 | 6 | Active | Active | Live |
BTC | 96,300.08 | -2.85 % | 113,298.970121 | 6 | Active | Active | Live |
LTC | 103.35 | -5.04 % | 61,346.882629 | 4 | Active | Active | Live |
BNB | 693.55 | -2.43 % | 57,946.102499 | 4 | Active | Active | Live |
COMP | 80.43 | -5.81 % | 13,432.05129 | 2 | Active | Active | Live |
UNI | 13.876 | 1.14 % | 53,206.1344 | 3 | Active | Active | Live |
AAVE | 346.42 | -4.26 % | 39,650.19394 | 3 | Active | Active | Live |
LDO | 1.827 | -4.09 % | 45,044.6174 | 3 | Active | Active | Live |
LINK | 23.12 | -4.50 % | 39,815.50688 | 2 | Active | Active | Live |
IMX | 1.356 | -4.24 % | 16,544.267172 | 3 | Active | Active | Live |
1INCH | 0.3956 | -4.14 % | 26,162.952989 | 4 | Active | Active | Live |
BCH | 0.00 | % | 0.00 | 6 | Active | Active | Live |
POL | 0.00 | % | 0.00 | 6 | Active | Active | Live |
Status of all blockchain networks will be reflected in the table and updated regularly. Please note that withdrawals and deposits go through blockchain network and can be delayed depending on network load.
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